Africa Trade Development Company

Africa is one of the best markets for presenting Iranian companies' products and services.

For various reasons, many Iranian manufacturers and businessmen have not gone for this market and have been away from this great market's benefits.

in 1399, Iran's export to Africa was less than 300 million dollars, which makes five-hundredths of a percent of the total exports to this consumer continent. these statics are proof to show the lack of attention to Africa's market in Iran.

Africa trade development company using the available opportunities for exporting and investing in Africa will provide export and facilitative marketing services for Iranian companies.

About The Modern Service

being present in the global markets and developing the exporting need new and creative methods. this company tries to ignore the regular cliches and provide its clients with modern and innovative service.

A Reliable Collaborator

this company does not have a short-lasting look at the clients and looks forward to a long and steady contribution along with benefits for both sides. so the clients can think of this company as a trustworthy partner that can meet their expectations in their need of exporting to Africa.

Based on the considerations taken by the Africa trade development company's experts and looking at Iran's exports to Africa's statics, the following table will present the products that have been sent from Iran or on the other hand, the products that are needed from Iran in Africa.

Our Services

Africa Trade Development Company
B2B Platform
Trade With Africa

setting up the our website and introducing the Iranian products and companies to the African businessmen.

Africa Trade Development Company

High-quality and affordable contract manufacturing opportunities with assisted trade processes.

Africa Trade Development Company

End-to-end trade facilitation
service for businesses in
Iranian companies and
African countries.​

Africa Trade Development Company
Sector and Product

deliberating the market, the competitiveness of the product, and analyzing the possible customers


Why Africa?

  • more acceptability of the quality and the standards of Iranian products comparing to other countries
  • the original economic fields in Africa
  •  Africa's positive view of Iran considering the negative background of the colonialists in this country
  •  Iran's economic rivals' unwillingness to do business in this area because of the possible risks
African Economic Opportunities

African Economic Opportunities